Expressive Arts Therapist

Transformative Arts Educator

Arts Program Consultant


Individual Therapy

In my individual therapy practice I use an intuitive client-centered approach following the clients’ emotional, cognitive, and somatic cues. I offer a flexible structure believing that the client is their own best expert, and given a safe and supportive environment, will intuitively find their way to their own inner resources.

I guide clients in using multiple senses to explore their inner and outer world through the experience and creation of different art forms. I help them communicate their feelings about the process and accomplishment of art making, and together, we use the creative process to highlight and analyze their struggles and issues. Both creativity and the imagination are essential in helping individuals process, flourish, and heal.

Since the therapeutic work is based on the creative process, not on the final result, it is not required to have any artistic training or ability. 

Experience working with mental and emotional issues include:

  • Trauma processing and healing

  • Rebuilding identity and self-esteem

  • Stress and anxiety reduction and regulation

  • Coping with depression

  • Establishing emotional self-care routines

  • Dealing with grief and loss

Sessions last 90 minutes. The client is encouraged to commit to weekly or bi-weekly sessions in order to maintain the continuity and focus of the work. Please contact me for schedule and rates. 



Expressive Arts Therapy Programs for Groups

Expressive Arts Therapy programs can be adapted to specific populations in a community. I have implemented them in collaboration with schools, social service agencies, nonprofit organizations, community centers, shelters, and jails to address the following themes:

  • Social and emotional learning 

  • Human rights education and social activism

  • Emotional wellness and self-care

  • Historic memory during transition from war to peace.

  • Economic and environmental justice

  • Therapeutic response and process to natural disasters

The programs run between 8-15 sessions, depending on the need of the community. They may be temporary or on-going. Please contact me for rates and detail information. 

Programs Offerings

  • Expressive Arts for Children.

    This program is for children ages 3-12. It utilizes a myriad of art materials and performing arts techniques for children to experience empowerment and the development of the personal voice through storytelling practices.


    For children to work with a variety of art materials, including paint, clay, recycled paper, and fabric to explore collage, puppetry, and mask making while discovering the possibilities and limitations of each material to express their ideas.

    For children to come together in a safe, creative space where they can identify and express their emotions, foster self-awareness, and increase self-esteem.

    For children to learn about the importance of community building, sharing and cooperating with each other.

    For children to explore the use of movement, yoga, and breathing exercises to help balance the mind and body, while also increasing strength and flexibility.

  • Expressive Arts for Youth.

    This program is for youth ages 13-18. It utilizes visual arts, theater, movement, and creative writing as a medium to build a space that promotes dialogue and a supportive environment for young people to express themselves and discover their potential as community leaders.


    For youth to use theater and visual arts as a medium to explore and discover leadership qualities, styles and skills within themselves.

    For youth to explore the power of body language through image theatre and movement.

    For youth to foster curiosity, questioning, and self-expression through the process of creating scenes and theater sketches.

    For youth to use art as a medium to explore and find positive forms of self-expression and self-care for stress reduction and wellness.

  • Expressive Arts for Women.

    This program is for women of all ages. It utilizes theater, music, dance, movement, visual arts, storytelling, and creative writing to accompany, educate and empower women with human rights education and emotional health awareness.


    For the women to engage in various art forms (Dance, music, movement, theater, poetry) as a platform to share their experiences and propose solutions to issues they are facing.

    For the women to use all of our creative arts options and explore different leadership qualities, identify leadership styles, and create a plan for realizing leadership potential.

    For the women to learn about and be inspired by women artists/activists who make art to confront gender violence and other social injustices.

    For the women to learn and practice creative art techniques for stress reduction and wellness.

  • Expressive Arts for families.

    This program is for the entire family. It utilizes visual arts to enhance emotional wellbeing, develop coping mechanisms, and create a fun experience for participants. Families work as a team while creating artworks (Paintings, drawings, sculptures) as media to enhance communication, develop problem-solving skills, family cohesiveness, and build resilience.


    For families to use art as a medium to explore and find positive forms of self-expression and self-care for stress reduction and wellness.

    For families to have a comfortable space to come together and establish a support network.

    For families to foster their ability to negotiate, compromise, strategize, plan, cooperate, and communicate with each other.

    For families to practice dialogue and questioning through the process of visual inquiry and art making.